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The defenders focus on protecting Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, while we care for them and their daily needs.


latin for “dignity”

is a non-profit dedicated to providing disaster relief in Ukraine. We provide essential supplies, technology, training initiatives and expert guidance in order to support Ukrainians in building a thriving society and contributing positively to the free and democratic world. 

Mobile Shower Laundry Unit

Aims to deliver dignity to men and women who defend Ukraine on the battlefield. That’s why we convert your donations into mobile baths and laundries for soldiers who fight for Ukrainian freedom.

1000 Drones for Ukraine

Aims to build up the cooperation of all efforts to purchase and provide 1,000 drones to the defenders of Ukraine, who guard and protect its borders. Currently, supported by 20 partner organizations and institutions.

Learn how
WE help Ukraine

Our priority is to save and enhance the everyday lives of the first responders and defenders so they are effective at protecting Ukraine and the rest of the free World.

Providing supplies and technology to defenders

Our goal is victory of Ukraine and development for a strong democratic nation through the support of defenders and care of veterans.


in 2023

Antennas / Batteries Tablets
Mining shovels
Mobile shower units​
Hygiene products​
Antennas / Batteries Tablets
Mobile shower units
Hygiene products
Mining shovels

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About foundation

Our story began in 2013 with the events of the Revolution of Dignity.

In November of that year, we gathered on Maidan and organized protests in various countries in support of the Ukrainian people. We searched for, procured, and delivered necessary supplies for the protesters. This included body armor, generators, medicine, food, clothes, and more. We raised money and built large communities of support across the world. Sometimes the level of trust was unbelievable, as strangers from multiple countries donated incredible sums of money to help the Revolution of Dignity.

The team worked tirelessly for the needs of the Maidan. When russia started invading Eastern Ukraine, some of the activists went to the front lines, some trained and became paramedics. Others stayed to volunteer, providing support to the wounded and helping to rehabilitate veterans.

Since the first days of the 2022 full-scale russian invasion, volunteers from four countries – Ukraine, the USA, Canada, and Poland have been working on the Emergency Response project to collect donations for the Ukrainian first responders and defenders. The previous expertise came in handy to find and deliver supplies in large quantities.

Our focus was on procurement and delivery of  the two most essential types of supplies: tactical medicine and communication devices. We sought optimal prices for drones, satellite phones, two-way radios, tablets, repeaters, antennas, and other related equipment.

In February 2023, the Emergency Response project team decided to register its foundation. This allowed the team to focus the efforts and be more effective in supporting Ukrainian defenders and veterans.

Thus, Dignitas was born.