The Amazon Wishlist Dignitas Report for July – September 2023

We strive to publish these reports as promptly as possible. However, due to constraints in our human resources, we may not be able to do so as frequently as we would like. Nevertheless, our team member, Oleksiy Varfolomiyev, has prepared a live and detailed report that you can access at any time. This report provides […]

The Amazon Wishlist Dignitas Report for May and June 2023

The good news, as we promised in the last report, is that we have sent the first package with Amazon Wishlist in-kind donations to Ukraine. The package was sent to our Kyiv office, where our team will distribute and deliver the items to the first responders. Table with itemized data Here is the list of […]

April 2023 Impact Report

We are eager to present you with the Dignitas.Ukraine April 2023 Impact Report. Within the month of April we fulfilled 94 orders for Ukrainian defenders. We delivered the following to the frontlines:Drones – 110Vitamins – 10,404Mobile Shower Laundry Units – 2 Victory Drones, our initiative for training UAV operators, achieved the following results in April: […]

The Amazon Wishlist Dignitas Report for February 2023 to April 2023

Transparency is one of our organization’s main values. As of May 1st, we will be posting a monthly report about Amazon Wishlist in-kind donations. There may be changes and improvements to the report’s format. This is how we will begin. Table with iteamized data Date Product Quantity Cost Feb 26, 2023 Water Tables – 100 […]

March 2023 Impact Report

Check out our latest impact report for March 2023!  We delivered to the front line:  * 98 drones* 14,430 packs of vitamins* 820 minefield shovels* 10 radio antennas  In March, we received 170 requests from Ukrainian defenders, out of which we fulfilled 81. We are currently making active efforts to fulfill the remaining requests. Finally, […]