Ukrainian military volunteer and women’s rights advocate. She was a participant in the Revolution of Dignity in February 2014 and subsequently volunteered for the war in Donbas as an aerial reconnaissance drone operator. Returning from the front, Berlinska founded a free school to train other Ukrainian military volunteers in aerial reconnaissance.
Beginning in 2015, Berlinska partnered with other female volunteer soldiers to champion women’s rights and integration into the Ukrainian Armed Forces. She coordinated Invisible Battalion, a series of three reports on Ukrainian military women’s recognition, reintegration, and harassment, and produced two films on women veterans in collaboration with women filmmakers, that received international attention. This work is credited for a series of laws gradually granting women equality in the Ukrainian armed forces. She is a co-founder of the Women’s Veteran Movement non-governmental organization, a senior advisor for a program to reintegrate veterans into society, and recipient of multiple awards.
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